Saturday, September 26, 2009


I see a sea of faces, people spaces, places where souls should dwell and
      hearts should linger
waiting for a spark to spark the light to light the night tonight
Yet alone a lonely longing look lingers as lyrics lisp low through
      the length of a person's
soul, singing, singeing, stringing things along,
singing slowly its soulful solo song
the heart beats beat to the mournful melody of memories meant to be
but dreams that draw away as you wake, awake, aware, awash
in the golden glow of sunlight beaming streaming through the open
the eyes so wide to light bright inside the soul shut so tight
Would you dance this dance with me

Thursday, June 11, 2009

When the Ears Begin to Whisper

Who listens when the ear begins to whisper
Who hears what the ear has to say
Who knows what the ear has to tell him
If all the ear has told him is lies all day
Who can gaze into the eyes and see what they are speaking
or touch the fingers and learn what they are seeking
Where then do the shoulders lean
or who will carry the weary feet
Who massages the weary hands
and where turns a cheek for warmth
Who will comfort the tear
Who has been wiped away?